Patient Self Help & Useful Numbers


Health advice

Pharmacy First scheme
This is where GP practices and community pharmacies within the PRESTON area are working together to treat minor illnesses. Under this scheme pharmacies may be able to supply patients with the medicines (free of charge if you do not pay for the prescription) to treat the following illnesses listed below:
 Minor Ailments
 - Athletes foot 
 - Cold sores
 - Constipation
 - Cough, cold & fever
 - Cystitis
 - Dermatitis
 - Diarrhoea
 - Earache
 - Eczema 
 - Hayfever
 - Eye infection
 - Head lice
 - Headache
 - Indigestion/heartburn
 - Insect bites & stings
 - Mouth ulcers
 - Nappy rash
 - Scabies
 - Sore throat 
 - Teething
 - Threadworm
 - Thrush
 - Verruca /warts
If a patient is suffering from any one of the ailments listed above then they do not have to call or come to the surgery for prescription.  Patient can go to their usual pharmacy and explain the symptoms and they will be provided ith the medicines needed.  however, patient have to demonstrate that he/she is registered with the practice eg medical card or copy of previous prescription. 
The pharmacy may refer patient back to the GP if they are unable to provide treatment. Using the scheme does not prevent the patient from seeing the doctor if they wish to do so your pharmacy can help - NHS (
Common illnesses
Cold, cough and sore throat are self-limiting and last for a few days only.
Symptoms of aches, pains, fever and nausea usually with general weakness will improve completely in a few days. Taking bed rest, paracetamol and plenty of fluids are all that is necessary.
Useful Telephone Numbers 
District Nurse: 01772 777999 Primary care support Unit :   01772 221 444
Avenham health centre: 01772 401914 Lancashire CSU:      01772 214200 or 01772 214201
Fulwood Health centre: 01772 777225  
Emergency Dental :  01772 777397 Preston Primary Care centre: 01772 788058
Talkwize: 01254 283333 Royal Preston Hospital: 01772 716565

Family planning service: 01772 401140Blackpool and Lancashire Sexual Health Service Find Your Nearest Centre

Chorley General hospital: 01257 261222
Brookfield clinic: 01772 777474 Breast Screening (Lancaster)  01524 518699
Ribbleton clinic: 01772 777473 Blue Badge application: 0485 0530049
Saul Street clinic: 01772 777179 Aortic Abdominal Aneurysm Screening : 01914452554
Minerva Health centre: 01772 777600 Bowel Screening Kit request: 0800 707 6060
Preston Health port:  01772 325150 Ambulance booking non-emergency: 01772 325100
Health visitor: 01772 777180 or 01172 777477 Preston carers support: 01772 200173
Midwife service: 01772 524272
Carer direct: 0808 802 0202
Smoking cessation: 0800 196 2638 Domestice violence help line: 01772 201601
GUM Clinic:    01772 522814 Alzheimer's Society: 0300 222 1122
Drug Help line: 01772 825492  
British Pregnancy Advisory Service 03457 304030  